Counting Time

On entering the space, the viewer is confronted by a projection screen. Visible on the screen is an image of the room and viewer, fed from a video camera near the base of the screen.

On approaching the screen, the viewer is sensed by a ceiling mounted surveillance camera, which triggers an interactive animation of a child ballerina. This animation is combined with the live footage and projected onto the screen, giving the illusion that the ballerina in in the same space as the viewer. As viewers move around the space the ballerina turns on point to a degree of rotation dependent on the position of the viewer or viewers; the fractured sound of a piano pierces the space with each movement.

Exhibition History
Graduation Show, UWCN Caerleon Campus, June 1996

Title: Counting Time
Year of production: 1996
Media: Interactive installation, dimensions variable.
No longer extant.

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